
Personal training can be very beneficial. A personal trainer can provide safe, effective, efficient training while educating you on proper form and training techniques. At Monarch Fitness Coaching, our personal trainers support you and your family every step of the way. We help you specify your goals and determine measurable outcomes. We find the right fit and create a personal training plan for you. We evaluate how you are progressing and assess what adjustments need to be made for you to succeed. Finally, we celebrate your accomplishments when you meet your goals.

Wondering what our clients say about personal training? Why did they hire a personal trainer? Why do they continue with personal training? What recommendations do they have for why you should work with the personal trainers at Monarch Fitness Coaching? We have spotlighted different clients and their unique needs.

Featured Client: Colleen Bruckner

“During my recent visit to Florida, friends who hadn’t seen me in a couple of years kept saying, ‘My God, you look good!’”

Goals: Participate in a fitness routine that promotes overall health and wellness and supports building muscle while losing fat.

Age Group: 70–74

Why did you hire a personal trainer?

I tried improving on my own, and it wasn’t working. I would go to yoga or do Pilates and then stop. As I entered my seventies, I was determined to be Colleen 7.0, reset, reinvented, and improved. I realized I needed personal training to help me make the changes I wanted and stay committed.

Why do you need a personal trainer now?

I started with one-on-one personal training at Monarch Fitness Coaching. I have been training with Monarch Fitness Coaching for over two years, and movement is now a core part of my daily life. The training kept me sane during some of the worst times of my life, including having lung cancer and my brother dying. I do most of my training on my own and primarily participate in daily independent training. I also come in for group personal training a few times a week. Occasionally, I schedule one-on-one personal training. For example, I recently worked with Coach Heather to develop an independent program I could complete while traveling in Europe. I have a sustainable exercise habit and want to keep moving. 

What are some reasons to hire a personal trainer?

If you are looking for a personal trainer, Monarch Fitness Coaching has been a safe, comforting place for me to train. The personal trainers at Monarch Fitness Coaching can provide you with safe, supportive training too.

Featured Clients: The Joy Family (Len, Suzanne, Stephen, Anne, Nicole and Christie)

“My family and friends saw how beneficial and enjoyable personal training was for me. Now they all want to train with Monarch Fitness Coaching.”

Goals: Move well and remain healthy

Age Groups: 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, and 70–74

Why did you hire a personal trainer?

Len Joy initially hired a personal trainer so he could become a more competitive triathlete. Len, age group 70–74, is currently a nationally ranked tri-athlete who represents team USA internationally. Len is also a business owner, entrepreneur, and author. His sister, Christine, sells willow sculptures (Learn more about Christine here.) and his daughter, Christie, is a jewelry designer selling her jewelry through the Paper Stranger. In addition to wanting to improve at his sport, Len saw an opportunity to support a family-run, women-owned, small business that reminded him in some ways of his own family.

Soon Len’s daughters, Christie and Nicole, were personal training with Monarch Fitness Coaching. Nicole loved Monarch Fitness Coaching so much that she started working with us. Read more about Nicole here. Len’s son, Stephen, and Stephen’s wife, Anne, took advantage of Monarch Fitness Coaching’s travel guides. One of their favorite trips was to Red River Gorge. And Len’s wife, Suzanne, participated in personal training for walking and hiking.

Why do you need a personal trainer now? Len shared the following:

I continue to compete in triathlons. But even more importantly, I want to keep moving, keep active, and be able to pick up my dog, Russell, for our yearly photo.

I believe that it’s very important to make physical activity part of your everyday life. If I were to take too long of a vacation from exercise and working out, I would deteriorate quickly. Feedback is important to me. I love the flexibility at Monarch Fitness Coaching. When I travel, even internationally, Zoom is an excellent option for personal training. If my primary coach, Heather, takes a day off, Coach Matt, Coach Will, and Coach Trin have all stepped in at various times to train me. I like learning from a variety of personal trainers and receiving feedback presented in slightly different ways.

The personal trainers at Monarch Fitness Coaching also support clients during competition. Coach Heather has competed with me in over a dozen races, most recently in Arizona, where she trained me in swimming, cycling and running. Read more here.

Finally, I continue with personal training, because I believe the activity helps prevent cognitive decline and keeps me energized for writing. Find out more about Len’s books.

What are some reasons to hire a personal trainer?

A trainer can help you to achieve your goals, whether the goal is to run a marathon or walk around the block. A good trainer will know the proper techniques for your activity. Without instruction and guidance, it is easy to develop bad habits which will keep you from reaching your goal and possibly cause injury. Personal training with Monarch fitness coaching has helped me forestall the inevitable decline associated with aging.

Featured Client: Becca Kennedy

“My family wants me to move more and be healthier. I want to do better.”

Goals: Improve stability and reaction time, keep up with Anixtercenter disability support group, and have fun!

Age Group: 35–39

Why did you hire a personal trainer?

Before Becca’s family moved from Oklahoma to Evanston, her cousin Fiona searched for a personal training studio that would be a good fit for Becca, as well as her Uncle Terry and Aunt Moira.

Becca had not been moving much during Covid-19. She was wearing braces on both knees and an ankle brace. Becca was anxious about falling when walking and worried she would sprain her knees and ankle. During her initial assessment, Becca let her personal trainer know that she wanted to move more and feel better.

Why do you need a personal trainer now?

I can do a lot more. I no longer need my knee braces and ankle braces. I can walk far without them. I can jog some, and my balance is better. My personal trainer, Heather, is a drill sergeant. She makes certain I do my work. I can now use the row machine, and I can go from table-top to pike.

I also like working with Jon. He makes me laugh. I would like to be an intern like him. I get to practice helping him do exercises. 

If I didn’t come to training I wouldn’t get to see Heather, Jon, and the other personal trainers. I wouldn’t keep improving.

What are some reasons to hire a personal trainer?

Personal trainers help people like you and me get better. The personal trainers at Monarch Fitness Coaching have helped me improve. They will help you too!


Feel ready to start using personal training to achieve your fitness goals? Monarch Fitness Coaching has an online assessment that will help you determine what you are looking for from personal training. Take our Online Assessment, and start your transformation today.